martes, 27 de octubre de 2009



the water in the seas and oceans covers almost three cuarters of the earthest surface earth the averal depth of the oceans is three thousand seven hundred
ninty five metres.


sea water is different from the continental fresh water in sow far as it has a wite content of south solution. the most common sauth in the sea water is
solt you lorate common south. there are also matter cuantities of lorate and others salt content of sea water ofr sea water is could it salinity and it is measere
in grams of soath lost a kg of water, the averech salinity of the water inthe oceans is 35 gramss, pear kg of water.*

in one water seas, were the water evaporate more the risajair level of salinity pearrit, in the red sea for example the salinity 41 grams pear kg of water*
in the very cold seas level of salinity is mach lower for example, in the valtic sea the salinity is only tell wgrams of sauth 10 kg of water, this level of salinity
is similar to some rivers and laker saltiest sea of all, is the dead sea whish has a salinity of 360 grams of salt pear kg of water,
haw ever the dead sea is not realy asi, it is a lake.

the constant movement of water

whe we amalise the movement of water we can see trhree differents site of movements:

1 the waves: are surface and dulations of the sea water and they are do to the action of the wind.

2 the tides: are increces and dicreaces in the level of the sea whish happend to a wrater or laced the wree or true the day.

3 the sea currents: are movements of hiuch mases of water from one point in the planet two anoter. there are one and could currents depending all the point of sorrilling of the movement and the areas
that the currents move thrue.

tarea: cuales son las corrientes marinas, y poner foto

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