martes, 27 de octubre de 2009


Plant reproduction

plant can reproduce in two different ways:

1)asexual reproduction: only one individual is involved in creating a new plant from its own parts. When we take a cutting off a geranium and replant it we are, in fact, aiding the plant in a asexual reproducction.
2)Sexual reproducction: two individuals are involved. The uniun of special cells from each of them produces a new plant. This is what happens when plants are reproduce throught flowers. Whithing these two broad groups there are many arieties. Some of the ways that angiosperms reproduce.
3)Flowers: the reprductive organims of angiosperms and gymnosperms are the flowers have two parts:
4)the reproductive: parts of a flower are the stamen and stigma
5)the productive: parts of flower are the petals whish make up corolla and the sepals whish up calyx
6)the ovules: are inside the stigma. When the ovules come into contact with the pollen produced in the stament they turn into seed. The flowers turn into fruit.
7)The reproducction proces:
1) pollination: pollen is transported from one flower to another on the wind or by insects like bees and buterflies. This transportation is pollination.
2) the fertilisation of the ovules: when a grain of pollen reaches the ovules. This is how the ovules are ferlilised.
3) the forming of fruit: after this the flower changes. The corolla and the calyx dry up and the stigma grows and changes until it becames the fruit the seeds. Whish are formed from the ovules are inside the fruit.
4) the germination of seeds. The seeds fall on the ground and, in a very short time, they germinate. The seeds open, a samall root comes out and tiny leaves begin to grow. A new plants graws the seeds.

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