martes, 27 de octubre de 2009



what is a plant?

its a living being

the plant kingdom in made up of organims with the following common characterisc:

they have eucaryotic cells organized into tissues. each tissue has a different funtion: growth, protection, etc. in turn the

fissues are grouped together to make organs such as leaves.

they are producers. they do not need to take in food like animals because they produce their own food.

what do all plants have in common ?

all plants have roots, steams and leaves.

they are green due to substance called chlorophy

plants cannot move themselves from one place to another but they do move.

homework: investigate and write the characteristics of:

grasses: have soft, flexible, green steems sam it samples of glases are:

wheat, nettles, violets, and poppis. Many plants in this category are very small bat others like the banana plants measure of the 2 meters and look like threes

bushes: are plants with a heart, woudy steem called a trunk. Bushes have a short trunk anf the branches grow outwards from the base, very close to the ground. Some bushes are very small like thime and others can grow up 2 m tall like box.

trees: have a much longer trunk and their ranches grow higher at the plant up the trunk. Some examples of threes are:



hold and pain.

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