martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

how aquatic creatures adapt

many organisms live in a water medium. these creatures are well-adapted for moving and breathing in water.

- aquatic plants and weeds have flexible steams which do not break when they are moved by the current. they don need strong stems like plants on land because the water support them.

-aquatic animals usually have a streamlined shape like, for example a fish so that they can overcome the resistance of water. their extremities are usually wide like oars.


aquatic plants and animals obtain their oxygen from the oxygen dissolved in water.

-aquatic plants breathe thought their leaves like plants like plants on land.

-aquatic animals have different organs for obtain oxygen from water. fish for example, have organs called gills which they use for breathing. gills are made up of small filaments which take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. this system.

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