martes, 25 de agosto de 2009

water and land relief

the movements of water causes considerable change in the land relie
the flow in gthe rivers and the breaking of wabes against the coast
line has an important impact on the rocks.

we can identify three different stages in the impact of water on the land relief:

erosion: happens when small fragments of rocks break away as o result of the strenght
of the flow of the river of the river or the acrion of the wabes on the coastline.

transportation: is when the movement of the water drags there fragments from the place where they broke off another place.

sedimentation: is the depositing of the materials whish have been transported by the movements of the water.

types of the land relief caused by the afiction of the rivers.
the most characteristics types of relief are the valleys. they are very narrow in the high course of the river where the amount of water in the river is less.

types of land relief caused caused by the action of the sea.

in a high coastline the most typical reloief is in the from of cliffs . a cliff is constantly changing is a result of the breaking of the wabes erode the rocks and dig aut the base of the diff and up being deposited in the from of a beach



importancia del agua para la vida

propiedades del agua

contaminaci`n del agua

movimientos del agua

los mares y oseanos

aguas continentales

agua y relieve

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

the water cycle

water moves from one part of the planet to another.:it falls from the atmosphere down to the earth, rivers and lakes and goes back into the atmosphere. this continual movement of water from one place living beings also intervene in the water cycle


trees move huge quantities of water. they absorb water through their roots and then lose it again through there leaves.

why does water move?

-the movement of water from the rivers to the seas is doe to the inclination of the land. the movement of water from glaciers and the snow from the mountains to the rivers is doe to melting.

-the movement of water from seas, rivers and lakes to the atmosphere is doe to evaporation.

-water vapour cools in the atmosphere and forms drops of water this is condensation.

water is not evenly spread out

although is always moving arround, in some areas there is plenty of water and in other areas there is not enough

-the most humid parts of the earth are the topics and the equador rainfall is very heavy in these areas is enough rainfall in the temperatur areas northerm europe, asia and amèrica, to ensure that water is never scerce.

the driest areas are to north and south of the tropics and this is where nearly all the world's desserts are located. in these places it hardly rains.

ciclo de agua

the water evaporate from the seas and oceans this vapor water condansates in the clouds and when they are full up. the water comes down like rain, snow or hail to the rivers, lakes and mountain tops and finally to the oceans then the water cycle begins again.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

oil slicks

Oil slicks float on oceans and seas, covering them in a thick film of crude or refined petroleum oil. When freight ships carrying tens of thousands of tons of fuel crash, malfunction, or encounter harsh weather, they spill enormous amounts of oil into the water. Since oil and water don't mix, the oil spreads out into a layer that hovers, as one mass, on top of the ocean.

industrial waste

Industrial waste is a type of waste produced by industrial activity, such as that of factories, mills and mines. It has existed since the outset of the industrial revolution.

Much industrial waste is neither hazardous nor toxic, such as waste fiber produced by agriculture and logging.

Toxic waste and chemical waste are two designations of industrial waste.

pollution in the subterranean water

is that cthe empres cembrate cerca of the sea and this salad water is filtrate and for this tha subterranean water is believe to salad

water contamination:

is when the espres throuw the garbage to the sea and contaminate it.

the properties of water

Water properties

Before we begin looking at the properties of water, maybe you'd like to take our True/False quiz about water properties. Some of the answers may surprise you.

What are the physical and chemical properties of water that make it so unique and necessary for living things? When you look at water, taste and smell it - well, what could be more boring? Pure water is virtually colorless and has no taste or smell. But the hidden qualities of water make it a most interesting subject.

the water have 3 states

solid: for example, ice

liquit: the normal water

gaseosus: when is evaporate

miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009


martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

how aquatic creatures adapt

many organisms live in a water medium. these creatures are well-adapted for moving and breathing in water.

- aquatic plants and weeds have flexible steams which do not break when they are moved by the current. they don need strong stems like plants on land because the water support them.

-aquatic animals usually have a streamlined shape like, for example a fish so that they can overcome the resistance of water. their extremities are usually wide like oars.


aquatic plants and animals obtain their oxygen from the oxygen dissolved in water.

-aquatic plants breathe thought their leaves like plants like plants on land.

-aquatic animals have different organs for obtain oxygen from water. fish for example, have organs called gills which they use for breathing. gills are made up of small filaments which take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. this system.