miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009


what is water?

water is a colpourness, odourless and tasteless liquid.
this definition refers to pure water. it is in fact extremely
difficult to find pure water in our surroundings. an example
what we usually means by water es the in the rivers and
seas orv tap water and this water is a mixture of various substances.

the predominant substancee in these mixtures is purewater but pthers substances
are suspended in solutions, usually mineral salts. the great variety of
salts that can be suspended in water means that there are different
types of water. sea water has more salt content than river water
tap water alse has salts and other substances which are added to makes
it safe for drinking.


water is made up of molecules consisting of atoms from two elements hydrogen and oxygen. each molecule is made up of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen .

notice the since water is in aq liquid state the molecules are sacattered about and can move relatively freely amongst themselves


we call all the water within the continents continental water. thats is the water in the rivers, streams, likes and marshes and also the underground water

this water usually has a low salt contents and is called fresh water.
exept in the case of the masrches.

marine water is the water in the oceans and seas. this water is very salty and hyas a much highes content of salts than the water in the riers and lakes.

there is also water in the form of ice in the form of vapour in the atmosphere.

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