martes, 28 de julio de 2009

july 28th/ 09

some animals, like reptiles, don´t drink but obtain their water supploes from the food they eat. many of thing they eat heve a hight water content and provide them with all the water they need.

other animals such as the majority of mammals and birds need a greater quantity of water and so they have to drink it as well.

land animals, including people, cannot drink salt water. salt water does not shop you from feeling thirsty. quite the contrary, it makes you feel even thirstier.


plants need water for three basic reasons:

1-plants can only absort mineral salts hrom the soil if they are dissolved in water. 2-water is the means of transport of the substances inside the plant. 3-plants only produce food product if they have water.

plants that live in very dry region like deserts have long roots with lots of bronches so that very they can collect as much water as possible.

plants that live in humid or wet dreas like the jungle, have no difficulty obtining water from the soil.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009


all organisms have water inside them. water in inside their cells, in spaces between the cells, in blood and so on.

water plays a very important role in the chemocal changes that take place inside the body water dissolves all the substances that take part in these chamical changes. this is the reason why all organims need water which they must obtain from the surrounds.


how animals obtain water

well the animals can get water from rainwater, pond, lakes etc etc

How Plants Get Water and Nutrients

Plants absorb nutrients and water through their roots, but photosynthesis — the process by which plants create their fuel — occurs in the leaves. Therefore, plants need to get fluids and nutrients from the ground up through their stems to their parts that are above ground level.

reptiles drink water

It is best to provide water in a large shallow dish. Many reptiles need to soak in order to shed their skin appropriately. To avoid drowning (especially with neonates and tortoises), it is important that the reptile can exit the water bowl safely and with ease.

we can drink salt water?

no, becos our desidrate.

how dromedary camel save water

they save thewater in yours stomage


some animals, like the dromedary camel can last for several days withouth talking water but even these animals need water after a certain time.

animals can obtain water in two aways:

a. from food

a. from their surroundings

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009


what is water?

water is a colpourness, odourless and tasteless liquid.
this definition refers to pure water. it is in fact extremely
difficult to find pure water in our surroundings. an example
what we usually means by water es the in the rivers and
seas orv tap water and this water is a mixture of various substances.

the predominant substancee in these mixtures is purewater but pthers substances
are suspended in solutions, usually mineral salts. the great variety of
salts that can be suspended in water means that there are different
types of water. sea water has more salt content than river water
tap water alse has salts and other substances which are added to makes
it safe for drinking.


water is made up of molecules consisting of atoms from two elements hydrogen and oxygen. each molecule is made up of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen .

notice the since water is in aq liquid state the molecules are sacattered about and can move relatively freely amongst themselves


we call all the water within the continents continental water. thats is the water in the rivers, streams, likes and marshes and also the underground water

this water usually has a low salt contents and is called fresh water.
exept in the case of the masrches.

marine water is the water in the oceans and seas. this water is very salty and hyas a much highes content of salts than the water in the riers and lakes.

there is also water in the form of ice in the form of vapour in the atmosphere.