miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

atmospheric phenomena

cyclones: are unestable atmespheric situacións. when there is a ciclone over a particular place the 

weather is usually very bad, it's windy and it rains or snow.
anticyclones: are stable situations and the weather is good. when  there is an anticyclone the weather is stable and sunny 

2 wind: the wind is the movement of the air from one place in the world to another. the air moves due to difference4s in temperature and atomspheric pressun between two differents areas in the atmosphere.

the strenght of the wind is measured according to its speed.

gentle winds (breezes) 10 km hr

most winds 20-40 km hr

stronger winds 100km hr

hurricane 200km hr 

3. precipitation: is when water falls, in its liquid or solid state, from the atmosphere to the earth's surface.

rain: is the falling of drops of water from the clouds to the earth's surface

 sanaw: is made up of spongy, white ice crystal called flakes. it snow when temperature is very low.

hailstones: are balls of compact ice with a diameter of more than 5mm.
they are formed in storn clouds which often occur in the summer.

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