if we look closelyat the sky on different days we can see different types of clouds. the main types of clouds are:
cumulus: clouds look like cotton wool. the top of the cloud is domed and it doesn't usually rain when these clouds are about.
stratus: are low clouds whish are usully seen seen as a low band lying horozontaly to the land. they normally cover the wolw sky or at least most of it.
cirrus: are long, white clouds which are formed in the hieghst layers (even abore 9,000 metres), so they are normally made up of crystals or needles of ice.
stractocumulus: are located between 500 and 2,000 meters (they are low clowds) they are whitish or greys colours.
nimbus or nimbostratus: are clouds wich are located lower layers of the atoms phere. they are very uniform and gray in color and cause rain or snow to fall.