miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009


¿what is matteer?

every thing that so raunds as is made up of matter
the earth, the rocks, animals, plants, everything
we cut difline matter as all that ocupies a space
and can be weighed.

when we are stading matter we use some basic quantities such 
as length, surface area volumen, mass, densiti, or temperature.
so that we are all using the same units in cience we use what is 
called the international sisterms of units(si).

The General Properties of Matter

1. Mass- very common to all matter. Mass does not change unless divided or removed to a body of matter.

2. Weight- it depends in the attraction of the pull of gravity thus, it changes from place to place.

3. Impenetrability- there are no two things that can occupy the same space.

4. Inertia- a matter that is at rest will remain at rest but can only be moved when external force is applied.

5. Porosity- states that matter has pores.

6. Form and shape- where we can distinguish what kind of matter is the thing observed.

7. Volume- capacity or space occupied. 

material of The General Properties of Matter is of http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Teture_shape_size_and_color_are_all_examples_of_properties_of_matter

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