miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

pure substances and mixtures

pure substance is a form of matter that has a definite composition and distinct properties. It may consist of only one type of atoms (examples: Fe(s), N2(g), S8(s)), or of only one compound where the atoms are connected in a defined way, (examples: FeS(s), CH4(g), NaNO3(s), H2O(l)). Many substances called “pure” in everyday life like “Pure Honey”, “Pure Silk” etc. are not pure in a scientific sense but they are mixtures.

homogeneous substance has the same composition and properties throughout the sample (down to microscopic but not to atomic dimensions).
     Examples: aluminium, sea water, pure gas, mixture of gases.

phase is a homogeneous section of matter. It can be: 
     - solid: Cu(s), 
     - liquid: H2O(l), 
     - gas: O2(g),
     - a homogeneous mixture, i.e. a solution, e.g. an aqueous solution of a salt, a mixture of gases (air !).

heterogeneous substance consists of two or more phases. 
     Example: concrete, milk, foam.

Solutions are homogeneous mixtures (one phase only) of two or more components. We distinguish: 
Solid solutions, called “alloys”. 
     Examples: brass (mixture of copper and zinc),bronze (mixture of copper and tin),amalgam (metal dissolved in mercury).
Liquid solutions,     
      Examples: sea water, sweetened tea, wine.
Gaseous solutions
     Examples: air (21% O2 + 78% N2 + 1% other gases). Mixtures of gases are always homogeneous.

In liquid solution one may distinguish the solvent, the main part of the solution, and the solute, the substance dissolved in the solvent. The solute may be gaseous, liquid or solid.

Examples:CO2(g) (solute) dissolved in H2O(l) (solvent),
 alcohol(l) (solute) dissolved in toluene(l) (solvent),
 LiCl(s) (solute) dissolved in alcohol(l) (solvent).

There is no easily detectable, obvious difference between a solution and a pure substance. Only the identification of the components (e.g. by separation techniques) proves a sample to be a homogeneous mixture and not a pure substance.

martes, 28 de abril de 2009


the properties of matter}
There are four different properties of matter. They are weight, volume, mass, and density. The most important one is mass. Mass is the amount of matter in an object and it never changes unless matter is taken out of the object. Mass also has a direct relationship with inertia. Inertia is the resistance of motion of an object. If an object has a greater mass, then it has a greater inertia. Also, you can find mass by measuring it on a triple beam balance.





pure substances and mixtures} and types of mixture

types of mixtures are

solid/solid mixtures

liquid/liquid mixtures - these are called emulsions. Thery are often oil and water type emulsion. 

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

the beatles let it be piano

en muchas ocasiones se cree que el escuchar música como esta ayuda a los fetos a estar más desarrollados.
sera cierto?
prueben con esta canción¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

The Beatles (Partituras Let It Be [Music Piano])(2) partitura the beatles let it be en piano

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009


¿what is matteer?

every thing that so raunds as is made up of matter
the earth, the rocks, animals, plants, everything
we cut difline matter as all that ocupies a space
and can be weighed.

when we are stading matter we use some basic quantities such 
as length, surface area volumen, mass, densiti, or temperature.
so that we are all using the same units in cience we use what is 
called the international sisterms of units(si).

The General Properties of Matter

1. Mass- very common to all matter. Mass does not change unless divided or removed to a body of matter.

2. Weight- it depends in the attraction of the pull of gravity thus, it changes from place to place.

3. Impenetrability- there are no two things that can occupy the same space.

4. Inertia- a matter that is at rest will remain at rest but can only be moved when external force is applied.

5. Porosity- states that matter has pores.

6. Form and shape- where we can distinguish what kind of matter is the thing observed.

7. Volume- capacity or space occupied. 

material of The General Properties of Matter is of http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Teture_shape_size_and_color_are_all_examples_of_properties_of_matter

posibles thems of the evalutions of cience d7

rotation and revolution

celestial bodyes

solar sistem

parts of the earth

movements of the earth and the efects

concecuenses of rotation and revolution

the moon

the movements of the moon

lunar faces



martes, 14 de abril de 2009

the movements of the earth and their effects

rotation: the rotation produce the change of tha day to night
inclination and revolution: produce the seasons

The Moon

is a satellite of this earth

Movements of the Moon

moves around of the earth and it takes abaut one month to produce this movement

the other side of the Moon is called the darcksite

Luna Phases

Lunar Eclipses

Lunar eclipse

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Schematic diagram of the shadow cast by the Earth. Within the central umbra shadow, the Moon is totally shielded from direct illumination by the Sun. In contrast, within the penumbra shadow, only a portion of the sunlight is blocked.
As seen by an observer on Earth on the imaginarycelestial sphere, the Moon crosses the ecliptic every orbit at positions called nodes twice every month. When the full moon occurs in the same position at the node, a lunar eclipse can occur. These two nodes allow two to five eclipses per year, parted by approximately six months. (Note: Not drawn to scale. The Sun is much larger and farther away than the Moon.)
As viewed from Earth, the Earth's shadow can be imagined as two concentric circles. As the diagram illustrates, the type of lunar eclipse is defined by the path taken by the Moon as it passes through Earth's shadow. If the Moon passes through the outer circle but does not reach the inner circle, it is a penumbral eclipse; if only a portion of the Moon passes through the inner circle, it is a partial eclipse; and if entire Moon passes through the inner circle at some point, it is a total eclipse.

lunar eclipse occurs whenever the Moon passes through some portion of the Earth's shadow. This can occur only when the Sun,Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, there is always a full moon the night of a lunar eclipse. The type and length of an eclipse depend upon the Moon's location relative to its orbital nodes. The next total lunar eclipse occurs on December 21, 2010. The next eclipse of the Moon is a penumbral eclipse on July 7, 2009.

Types of lunar eclipses

The shadow of the Earth can be divided into two distinctive parts: the umbra and penumbra. Within the umbra, there is no direct solar radiation. However, as a result of the Sun's large angular size, solar illumination is only partially blocked in the outer portion of the Earth's shadow, which is given the name penumbra.

penumbral eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's penumbra. The penumbra does not cause any noticeable darkening of the Moon's surface, though some may argue it turns a little yellow. A special type of penumbral eclipse is a total penumbral eclipse, during which the Moon lies exclusively within the Earth's penumbra. Total penumbral eclipses are rare, and when these occur, that portion of the Moon which is closest to the umbra can appear somewhat darker than the rest of the Moon.

partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the Moon enters the umbra. When the Moon travels completely into the Earth's umbra, one observes a total lunar eclipse. The Moon's speed through the shadow is about one kilometer per second (2,300 mph), and totality may last up to nearly 107 minutes. Nevertheless, the total time between the Moon's first and last contact with the shadow is much longer, and could last up to 3.8 hours.[1] The relative distance of the Moon from the Earth at the time of an eclipse can affect the eclipse's duration. In particular, when the Moon is near its apogee, the farthest point from the Earth in its orbit, its orbital speed is the slowest. The diameter of the umbra does not decrease much with distance. Thus, a totally-eclipsed Moon occurring near apogee will lengthen the duration of totality.

Muslim calendar

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2009

la polución

The materials of the earth surface
The earth is made up of solid materials predomunant in the litosphere, liquid more usual in the idrosphyre and gaseus predominant in the admosphere
Materials in the admosphere
The admosphere is made up of mostly gaseus materials. There are also solid and liquid materials like the minute drops of water nd ice that make up the clouts. As far as we are concermet the most inportant material in the asmosphere is air. Air is not a gas but a michure of gases, it is made up of 78& nitrogen, 21% oxigent and 1% other gases
materials in the hydrosphere
The hydrosphere is made up almost exclusively of 1 material, water. Most of the water in the hydrosphere is in a liquid state but the solid water, ice and snow, is sow sow consideret to be part of the hydrosphere. There maybe other materials in the water of te hydrosphere. For example sea water is very reach in salts. We can say that sea water is a mitsure of sant a water
Materials in the litoaphere
The litosphere is made up of rocks and mineral. These are solid materials, which can be many diferent types, chapes,sizes and colors. Sand is made up of small particles of rock. Clai is also made up of minute particles of rock mixt whit water.
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment, into the atmosphere.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - especially nitrogen dioxide are emitted from high temperature combustion.
Carbon monoxide - is a colourless, odourless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) - a greenhouse gas emitted from combustion but is also a gas vital to living organisms. It is a natural gas in the atmosphere.
Where is the earth is more pollutet?
  • Chernobyl, Ukraine
  • Dzerzinsk, Russia
  • Haina, Dominican Republic
  • Kabwe, Zambia
  • La Oroya, Peru
  • Linfen, China
  • Mailuu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan
  • Norilsk, Russia
  • Ranipet, India
  • Rudnaya Pristan, Russia

Because are the most evolution countries of the earth....because they have most enterprices.