miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009


  • diferent types of stars, stars have different characterics:
    color:when we luck at the stars though binocules or evenwith the naked eyes we can see different tound and different stars. Some are bluish, readdish, orange, and so on.
    - the sun is a yellow star.

    on the other hand,sirius be of comies majoris a hundred times smaller than the sun

    some stars are brigther than others.sirius is very bright other sars are so faint that we cannot see them with the naked eye, they have been discoverd thanks to the use of telescopes
    some stars emmit more light than others, to stars emitting the same amount of ligth will not be as brigth as each other is they are at different distances from the earth.
    HOMEWORK: hacer una presentacion en power poin en ingles,de los planetas del sistema solar donde diga,
  • masa
  • distancia del sol
  • radio
  • periodo de rotacion
  • periodo de traslacion

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