miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Video de la rotación y la traslación

 in (23 hour
The earth spins over its own axis, completing almost a hole in turn in(23 hours , 56 minutes, 4,09 seconds). This movement is named rotation and its responsable of the day and the night secuency, the flatening of the poles, the changig course  of the winds and the wave of the ocean and the diferences of hours.

Also the rotation let us deteminate the cardinal points. The north and south are on the extreme of the earth axis. And the earth movement of the earth is from east to west.

the side of the earth nerest the sun is lit up b y the sun's light. the other site of the earth is in darkness. 
as the eart spins moves from the dark part into the light part. our days and night are caused our part of the earth spinning into, and out of, the sun's light.


the earth movements  on its axis around the sun it takes 365 days , 5 hours and 48 minutes is could revolution.
the traslation added to the inclination of the terrestial axe results the secuency of the different seasons (summer, autom, winter and spring), and the different duration of the days at night all the year.

the changes of the seasons are produced during the solticious and the equinox.

did you know?